Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Rare Agglomeration In Unified Existence: God & Gita 23

The rare being in complete union with the Ultimate source

The rare possibility is an agglomeration that has the properties, gunas and dharma to experience complete union with the source material. How would such a person behave. He would have no desire to satisfy, would never worry about what to do and what not to do, would be fearful of nothing, would not be ever tired, ever worried or ever in dilemas,would be unattached to any particular form of agglomeration of the source material,would be unmoved by any happening or incidence. He would see everything as equal and remain indifferent to any choice except that he would do only that what his gunas/ dharma forces him to do. He would have no anger or personal self-interest. He would be in complete knowledge of all arts ad sciences the human society has developed, and skillful in using knowledge.

Any example of such a rare being? Not one that I have come into contact with. But there a few instances in epics of the Hindus that closely resembles this particular agglomeration of the ultimate source material. One that readily comes to mind is Sri Krishna.

This character in the Hindu scriptures is painted as one without desire, with out fear, without ego and in complete equanimity. He showed tremedous affection and love and yet seemed unattached from everything and detached from worldly affairs. He was full of knowledge in various arts and sciences and extremely skilled in the application of knowledge. He had done nothing in his life that was driven by self-interest. He was beyond praise and yet merciful to others. He was never seen to abuse his powers and knowledge to meet his own self-interest as he had no such interest.

Only such a person can be in unision with the ultimate source material and live a complete unified existence. It was natural that the discourse in Gita came from his mouth.

How would such a person appear to others. It would be different to different people depending on the nature of agglomeration of the source material that each person would represent. The selfish and the greedy would look for his friendship on exclusive basis but would not get and hence would despise him. The weak and the poor would seek his help and get it. The people who would love him will develop intense love for him. The leaned will regard him as the most learned. The skilled would would like to regard him as the model. His personality would be so pleasing and attractive that most people would be his fan and would worship him as God. Yet he would live a life that is simple.

The people who were advanced on the path of various kinds of Yogas would regard him as the ideal and perfect Yogi. It is no surprise that Arjun who was his astute devotee and friend would see him in God's Viswaroop (all encompasing, entire creation). Arjun's Viswaroop Dharshan is not magical event: it is the visualisation of the concept of the ultimate source material generating various agglomerations and transformations through the infinite inner power and dynamics of the source material. The ultimate source material is ever-lasting, infinite, indestructible and present in each and every infinitsimal section thruoghout the Creation ( Universe). There is nothing in the Creation that is not the ultimate source material in various agglomeration and transformation state. So, it was easy for Arjun to see that in Krishna Himself since Krishna reprsented the rare agglomeration of source material that was transparent enough to reveal the true nature of the Universe. All that Arjun saw is that all forms - big and small, dark o and illuminated, beautiful and ugly gushing into Krishna's mouth: symbolic of the the uniqueness of the source material of everything in the Creation.

I may not live an unified existence. But I have to recognise that the Unified Existence is the basis of any concept of physical or meta-physical universe or Creation. A rare type of agglomeration of the ultimate source material as embodied in Krishna is nothing but the miniature representation of the infinite Universe of densely woven source material just like the Ocean of water.
So long as the concept of Unified Existence seems a possible outcome, I , as will others, long to experience that existence. I enjoy seeing the video-film of a past event or a current event in which I am filed: how enjoyable would be to see myself as the source material cutting across the veil of my separate individual existence with a proper or common noun.

Experiencing Or Living Unified Existence: Gita & God 22

That I am unable to live an unified existence is only because of the properties/ gnas/ dharma imparted in the particular agglomeration of the ultimate source material that I represent. But some other shapes or forms of agglomeration that I may identify as X or Y may live a life of some sort of Unified existence with the source material at some time points and periods. Not all soils of the earth grow coconut trees but some do. Not all coal blocks have the same calorific value or ash content. Not all human beings can mother a child, but some do. Some human beings represent particular agglomerations of the original source material that have properties or gunas or dharma that may induce living of unified existence with the source material. They are therefore destined to live such lives. The saints get a chance to live such a life. Mother Terrassa represented an agglomeration of the source material that implied thoughts, feelings and behavior of love for the weak and the needy. Many agglomerations of source material turns out to live a saintly life: some had to become preachers of one religion or other. Ramkrishna Paramhansa was once such agglomeration of source material that lived a great part of life in union with the source material he termed as the Holy Mother Kali. His wife Sarada Devi did not mother a child but was a mother to many and lived a life of unified existence however partial. So did Swami Vibekananda and host of Hindu Sadhaks, Fakirs and clergy men and nums. Buddha and Jesus lived even higher degree of existence in union with the source material.
Their behavior was certainly different from the general folks. All these men and women represented certain types of agglomeration of the original source material that represented certain properties, gunas and dharmas that forced them to be in search for, to understand, to believe in and to behave in a manner conducive to experiencing unified existence in various degrees.

If these saints and holy men and women are possible agglomeratons of source material that were dstined towards searching and experiencing unified existence, then there is also the rare possibility of a particular agglomeration of the source material that forces the agglomeration to live in complete union with the source material continously from birth to death.
How would such an agglomeration of the ultimate source think, believe and behave?

Meaning of Living Unified Existence: Gita & God 21

Living Unified existence in thought, feeling and action

What would living an unified existence mean? Can I as an indivivual entity live as if I have no separate distinguishable entity. It does not seem possible at least in the literary sense. But there is one possibility. Living is in understanding, belief and behavior. First, can I understand and believe that I have really no separate existence as an individual just like a wheel fitted on an automobile does not have a separate existence of its own. I am just an integral part of the whole Universe (Creation) and is composed of the same original/ ultimate source from which everything including the parts that constitute me like the molecules or DNA/ RNA, or sub-atomic elements. This is easy to understand in two ways through meditation and scientific investgations. I need not be a scientist to understand the details but all sciences like physics, molecular biology and genetics are all the time in search of the ultimate source of everything: so far they have gone ahead in a never ending process of identifying infinitesimal things that make up the bigger and bigger size things. So, science is directed towards finding the ultimate source that makes up the DNAs or their constituents, the electrons and their source, the cells and their source. So, it is not difficult to believe that there exists an original and ultimate source that explains existence of everything. Simple meditation and logic convinces that there is an ultimate source. So, it is easy to believe that at the source level everything is same. So, I can live by believing that the sole source is what exists in me and everything else. I visualize that the entire Universe is nothing but that source material. So is my existence. At this level of thinking and belief, I live an unified existence as the source material transformed into a particular shape of aggregation of the source material. I have got the scientific knowledge that the ultimate source has to be one for everything else. Once I have proved that to myself, I start belieiving that as a matter of fact and faith: I develop an urge to connect with the source - I develop bhakti (devotion) towards the source material. At this belief and faith level, I therefore live in union with the source and hence entire Creation or the Universe that is nothing but the agglomeration of the source material. This is my knowledge and I live the knowledge of Unified existence that denies separation of any thing in the universe: all things are composed of the same source material. The drops of water in an Ocean lives an existence of the whole unified ocean and no two drops of water have any separte existence. I can live with this knowledge all my moments.

But knowledge, understanding, belirf and faith may put me in the path of Gyan (Knowledge) and Bhakti (Devotion) Yoga, but I also live doing things or acting other than thinking. How do I live the unified existence in my action and reaction. I have to be on the path of Karmya Yoga to realize the unified existence as well. How do I do that? I do that simply by applying the same knowledge and Bhakti: I know that the particular agglomeration of the original source material that I am composed of, will have properties or gunas and dharma and therefore will act, react and behave in a particular fashion. Depending on their relative locations in the ocean, some drops of water evaporates, while some form the waves and some remain calm and still. I therefore find that I do nothing that I decide but what my inherent properties/ gunas/ dharma make me do in the face of changing/ different agglomerations of the same source material, other than what I refer to as I. Thus the actions and reactions and behavior of me no longer remains my behavior: they become the outcomes of the interaction of various agglomerations of the same source material. I start living an existence that is mere witnessing of the play of the source material. I do what my duty is: rather all duties are actually performed without my having to decide and do: all that I seem to be doing just happens like evaporation of water in the Ocean or the waves near the beach. I am in Karma Yoga because I witness what is just happening. Again, I started living a working life of an unified existence with the entire universe seeing the play of actions and interactions of various things that have originated from the same, sole source material.
But I do not have the understanding, the belief and the faith that is complete; I have not yet lost my ego as a doer of things. So, I have not attained the state that is the ultimate goal of the Gyan Yogi, or the Bhakti Yogi or the Karma Yogi. So, I continue to live a a disintegrated existence.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In Search of Living Unified Existence: Gita & God 20

Living One Whole Unified Existence

Gita and Upanishads suggest that God exists in each of us and we exist in God. God is the Creator and the entire Creation itself. But how do we live these concept in our individual existence?

I live an existence of isolation most of the time: I live what I percieve as my experience of living as an entity as contrasted with other entities. Most of the time:
(a) I live an existence separately from the existence of the parts that make my existence possible, and
(b) I also live an existence separately from the existence of those that I am part of.

How is the experience of (a)? It is what I have been doing since my birth as far as I remember. As a baby I learned to see myself as different from my limbs and parts of the body inside. I had no knowledhe about what was inside me. Much later I came to know that I breate air inside to supply oxygen to my heart and exhale some air that contains things elements that should go out to keep my body functioning smoothly. Over the time, my knowledge about myself improved further. I came to know my senses and my sensitivities, my hunger and thirst, my limbs and their uses, my names and surname, my body parts and mind, and my emotions and sentiments, my feelings and my moods, my discomfort in the body and the mind, my anxieties and tensions, my tastes and preferences, my idiosyncracies and attitudes, my talents and aptitudes, and my strenghts and weakneses.
While I have been living my existence with all these that I cam to know about as mine, I have thought that I lived separately from them. Momemts of my life have been largely filled with them but they seemed to be separate components of which I am made of but they still did not fully capture my existence as an unique entity. A little knowledge about anatomy, biology, physilogy, chemistry and physics reduced all these to atoms, molecules, cells, DNAs, RNAs and the like. I have never lived my existence as an entity in continous, conscious awareness of these infinitsimal entities.
Can I try to live an existence that is a conscious awareness of the cells and sub-atomic particles that are within me? Is it possible to live like that. How would living such an unified existence of my self, my components and their sub-components differ from the existence I have been living so far? Does this thought make sense? How do the molecules, atoms and their ingredients make this useless thought arise in me?
Who would help me in my quest to fid answers to these questions.

There are similar questions associated with (b). As a baby I was clinging to my mother as a part of her physical, emtional and intellectual existence as n entity. Later, I found my own identity separate from her. Later I came to know that I am a part of the family with parents, siblings and our descendnts, that I am a descendant of my forefathers, that I am a part of the locality or group - my neighborhood, my class, my school, my social an business groups, my city, my state and my nation. We fell for each others' heart and became an integrated unit through marriage. I would soon myself as a part of the humanity and could shape humanity. I would be part of all the living beings, of the environment and of the Nature and the entire Universe or the Creation. But I had so far never lived an unified existence of the bigger and bigger entities of which I were just a small part. Why could not I try living that way?
Can I live an unified existence as an entity much larger in scope than what I thought of myself as an entity? Is such an existence possible? Does that have any meaning? How would it differ from my current existential living? Why dies this thought arise in me? Why cannot I have help in my quest to find answers to my questions?

So, the hypothesis is that I try to live an unified existence of the entire Creation - both known and unknown, continously and consciously aware of all the sub-atmoic particles and sub-cellular entities, their dynamics, fission and fusion, and their agglomerations and aggregates in the form of various living beings and non-living entities from a piece of metal, a drop of water, a flick of light, a wave of sound and a tinge of blood to a human body, a glacier, a storm, the Sun, the galaxies and the vast space in the Universe.
The questions are: how, in what sense and with what implications?