Friday, February 25, 2011

Mind That Attains Bliss: Gita & God 44

As I go on doing all that my inherent properties (gunas) make me do, can I get rid of the habit, cultivated by the Illusive Maya, of desiring the fruits of whatever I do so that I become both Sannyaasi (Saakhya yogi) and a Yogi (Karmayogi).How can I renounce all thoughts of worldly sensual pleasures?
Performing the all actions without selfish motivation of enjoying Worldly sensual pleasure is the means to establish myself in Yoga and to God-realization. If and when I cease to have any attachment to all objects of senses and all actions (Karma) and renounce all subtle desires of the world, I will be in the perfect state of Yoga. I will have conquered lower self by the higher self. I go beyond the perishable I to experience the infinite I.

My mind would be perfectly serene and unperturbed by any distinction of pairs of opposites like love and hate, like and dislike, cold and heat favorable and unfavorable, joy and sorrow, and honor and dishonor. My mind would be in complete equanimity, perceiving well-wishers, friends, foes, neutral persons, mediators, the hateful, the relatives, saints and sinners, foes as one and the same - all alike.

How do I prepare my mind to get to that stage? I seat in whatever my mind considers as clean, unpolluted and level place that the mind finds neither too high nor too low (covered by Kusa-grass, a deer skin and a cloth, one over the other) and then control my thinking faculty (Citta) and the senses by firmly holding my body, head and neck straight and steady and fixing my gaze at the tip of his nose, without looking in other directions, and then concentrating on meditation on the Infinite I or God. Only that order of perfectly disciplined mind can attain the everlasting peace consisting of Supreme Bliss, abiding in God (Nirvana) and thereby remove of any perception of any kind of suffering.

To get my mind disciplined, I need to eat and drink whatever things and as much quantities - not too much, too little, and also rest and sleep just enough so that my mind is not disturbed by any physical inconvenience. As a light of a lamp does not flicker but burns with a steady flame in a windless place', my disciplined mind shall be in steady, undisturbed meditation on the Self. Initially my mind may be restless and unsteady and may wander away, but I need to pull it back from all such material objects, actions and desires by repeated efforts to concentrate my thoughts on Self or Atman or God. Holding the intellect firmly, progressively my mind transcend from the world and my intellect) stops thinking of anything other than Atman or God. As I go on practicing this, one day my disciplined mind will hopefully becomes tranquil and be able to behold and merge my contented existence with the Self (Atman. It is then that I go beyond my lower self existence to live the existence of the Truth of the Atman. I will then hopefully see
Supreme (Sattvika) happiness certainly filling my pure, calm mind bereft of any passion (Rajo Guna) and I become one with Brahma. Can I practice this Sankhyayoga or Dhyanayoga that enables the mind look at all with an equal eye, sees me present in all beings and all beings present in me? Once my mind get to attain that, all my previous existences vanishes and the only existence that becomes permanent and everlasting is the oneness with everything and all things in the Universe and beyond. Having established a sentiment of oneness with all beings, I may still be engaged in all forms of activities without any bondage or attachment.