Friday, February 27, 2009

Change Amidst God: Gita and God 0015

Change And Development
How does the concept of God consistent with change and development? God is indivisible, indestructible, infinite and yet unchanged, unaffected, unperturbed: but Manifestation of God changes forms through a transformation process that is driven by a Principle that is universal and unchanged. The nature may look like changing over the seasons and over millenniums, but the core source or principle that causes these changes remain unaltered. Gita explains everything in this Universe including change.
The Creation is not static: there is continuous transformation of each element/ body/ thought all the time - though all changes may not be perceptible all the time. Every moment some thing is changing or under process of change in the entire Universe and in each of us. So, change is the essence of Creation. Whether we try or not we are changing. Despite all this change we observe, the source of ultimate origin of all things in the universe remains the same and is unchangeable. That source is what we call GOD, Paramatma or Para. The changing Universe and all its constituents is Apara and is the manifestation of the infinite, imperishable, incomprehensible Para. If all changes and forms are the manifestation of God/ Para, there is nothing best or better or worse. Everything / everyone is the manifestation of the same God / Para.
To know this is easy. To accept this as part of life is difficult because of differences and changes are the essence of the manifestation of Para in the various forms of Apara. To realize the oneness among innumerable varieties of people and things is extremely difficult.
To be really one with everything is virtually impossible despite all Sadhanas. Although we may know that all persons are manifestation of God, we continue to think that someone is better than the others. That is the way the Apara works even if Apara arises from Para. Whether we like or not, some people will hate others while a few people will see and recognize God in everyone and everything.
Gita is all about life. The illusion of Maya keeps us attached to all changes and development in the external environment and our individual lives.
What Gita sayings amount to in this context is:
1. The change and development that we see around is not under our control and will happen irrespective of what we wish or desire.
2. There is no alternative but to accept all changes and developments instead of wasting time and energy about whether the change/ development is desirable or not (that Arjun had no option but to fight in the Kurukshetra War, if necessary with Lord Krishna playing the role of a guide to see Arjun through a suffering from depressed mental turbulence).
3. The only reason that may give comfort to one about what he is forced by circumstances to do, is the call of duty to play one's part as per own’s instinctive property (as a born/grown warrior, Arjun's instinctive dharma was to fight war as all others in the Kaurava side were doing).
4. One's duty is nothing but what one is compelled to do as per the great design of manifestation of God. One's response to change is ordained by the internal properties (dharma) and influence of internal properties ( the mixture of the the three Gunas - Satva, Rajas and Tamas).
5. Whether one is proud or confident or diffident or sad, one has no alternative but to do his duty.
6. While one's duties may have some ex-ante objectives/ goals and one's actions may have good/bad consequences, the duties have generally been observed to be better performed when they happen to be done without thinking about desired objective to be realized or the likely consequences.
7. The persons who happens do his duty with detachment from the desires to be fulfilled and consequences of one's own doing, have been found to contribute more effectively to the mission that the manifestation process always achieves.
8. Changes are things that are certain: realization of goals/ objectives/ desired consequences are only probabilities.
9. So, one feels better when one participates in the change / development with detachment and performs duties as per one's own properties - inherent or imparted by the environment.
10. Even God almighty has to participate in the change/ development (Sambhavami Yuge Yuge and cycle of excessive oppression and justice and equality are all but part of the very nature of Maya-dominated world).
11. Despite all the changes and developments that Maya forces us to observe and get temporary happiness or sadness), there is no change in the Fundamental Realty of absolutely No Change in the inner core of the Creation. All forms and differences that appear under the influence of separate ego/ identity is the influence of Maya. In the ultimate reality, all these are nothing but one - split into slices of different kinds/ forms and recomposed in various permutations and combinations to create the illusion of differences in identities.
12. Thus all changes – natural, environmental, physical. mental, material, spiritual and social etc. are all illusion: the reality is the continuous transformation of the same single constant that is infinite, indestructible and indivisible power – the concept of God in the Gita or the Upanisgads.
13. Participate one will, without any free choice, in the developments and changes in this great, continuous transformation process. For, all forms and identities are nothing but temporary, transient snapshots of the same single core.

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