Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life Reading Gita: Gita and God 0017

Utility of Reading Gita Again and Again
The utility of reading any scripture varies from individual to individual. For some, it is an aid to thinking about God, for some others it is about memorizing, for some it is for preparing to give lectures and participate in debates and discussions, for some it is for trying to find what Gita says and probably means, for some it is to show off to others, for some it is an habit, and so on.
For the one more interested in knowing the Ultimate Truth or Knowledge expressed in Gita and in applying the lessons from Gita in day-to-day life, the sloka number or chapter number or the words used in Gita are immaterial. He may read Gita with a critical mind trying to find whether he believes in the following:
1. Anything in this Universe is the manifestation of the same indestructible, all-powerful, infinite unique element that always exited and exits.
2. Therefore, there is ultimately no difference among any pair of things, ideas, living being, and non-living being. All are the same.
3. There is no choice or freedom for any element or collection of elements, physical bodies, living beings, non-living beings to pursue any time path of transformation: whatever happens happen due to the laws/ principles/ properties of the ultimate unique element. Whatever any of us do or think or do not do or do not think are all determined by those properties/ laws / principles embedded in the ultimate unique element.
4. Therefore, all discussion in a community, the terrorist attack, the recession, the financial crisis, the global warming, everything that is happening is just a process over which no one can exert any deliberate control or influence irrespective of whatever emotions, desires, objectives we might think we are pursuing through independent choice / decision. The idea that any individual can change/ decide to do nothing is a myth and illusion: but that illusion itself drives all the activities of each element and all happenings in the universe.
5. When one realizes all the four above fully, he stops thinking about himself or 'I' since these do not exist beyond the fraction of a second.
6. So, it is rational that 'I' lose 'I' and get absorbed in the laws / principles / properties embedded in the Ultimate element. Because that is truly what all 'I' s are. And yet an individual find it difficult to lose one’s 'I'.
7. So, one cannot practice the steps to realization by one’s own volition. It is again the principles/ laws/ properties that determine what one practices. An individual merely happen to know that the individual’s practicing anything is the result of the operation of the ultimate principle through him or her.
8. A person who has no anger, no jealousy, no envy, no enmity and no ego is a person in practice of the ultimate realization.
9. An individual also happen to know, as a result of operation of the ultimate principle through me, that different persons are forced by the ultimate law / principle/ property of the ultimate element to practice love, bhakti, gyan or yoga of various kinds and in various measures of intensity. Those who happen to be transformed into best practioners of all love, bhakti, gyan or yoga of various kinds and in various measures of intensity really attain the ultimate knowledge that makes them lose "I” by the sheer operation of the laws/ principles/ properties of the ultimate unique element.
10. But an individual does not know, at least till one happens to reach the fully realized Truth state, why different persons happen to practice different types of things: he merely knows that all these are determined by the operation of the ultimate principle that is unknowable.
11. One happens to feel good by thinking again and again about 1 to 10 and progressively become continuously happy, without fear of anything to be lost and without being worried what is happening here or there.

The Gita is so cool and simple. And, yet the operation of the ultimate principle that is the unknowable omni-present God, forces people go round and round discussing Gita again and again. The same principle drives so many billions that would never know that there never know of the existence of Gita.

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