Friday, February 27, 2009

Gita Beyond Discussion: Gita and God 0016

Utility of Discussion
The more we discuss the meaning of different words, the more we get into confusion. Actually, what Gita says is so simple that anyone can understand it if one thinks on his own. No amount of discussion and debates with words will ever make one necessarily understand Nature of God. All thoughts including the concept of God, all words in Gita or any other words, all physical bodies, mind, work, life, names ---all arise from, are contained in, are manifestation of and contains the SINGLE ORIGINAL SOURCE that we refer to variously as GOD or PARA or PARAATMAN or NATURE 0r CREATION or CREATOR. The different forms/identities that we see or recognize are all APARA or the various reflections of PARA the single original source. PARA is the REAL source that eludes us while all that we deal with in life are APARA and the great diversity of APARA keeps us tied to the illusion of you, I, they, mine, our, your, etc. We are all slaves of APARA nature that has been created by the mother source nature of PARA. There is nothing more to know or discuss. All that is manifestation and subject to transformation process and all of us experiencing life, exist / live in Apara. Yet being in Apara it is easy to see that there must exist some source Para, the source, cover, and container of all Apara. The process that moves an individual t from a sense of different identities (APARA) to single identity (PARA) has been named as Sadhana. Such Sadhana process has been observed to take place among some individuals with varying intensities and durations. This does not mean an individual decides to practice Sadhana: one just happens to be under the transformation process called Sadhana. Those who happens to be under the process of Sadhana for long are observed to live in the illusion of differences and diverse identities and yet at the same time constantly being aware of the single source from which everything arises and is contained in. But it is seen that some among those who get interested in discussing and debating over the various concepts and terms, happens to fall under the grip of the Sadhana process. So, discussions and debates may not be an indicator of an individual falling victim to Sadhana process at a later point of time. Again, some people have been observed to fall into Sadhana process without having to go through a process of debates and discussions over spiritual matters, terms and concepts. Utility of discussion and debates thus varies from persons to persons: for some discussions/ debates happen to prove to be the beginning of falling into the trap of Sadhana transformation process while for some others these happen to prove to be another addiction or entertainment.
[Ego = Differentiating one from all others in existence = Doing all with that one does as one identifies one as different from others = Apara = Maya = Illusion = Finite = Destiny= No Choice = Slavery to Diverse Identities = Duty whether desirable or not.
Consciousness= Conscience = Chaitanya = Bayragya = Rising above individual identities = Realization of Brahman = Para = Infinite = Indestructible = imperishable = all pervasive, all inclusive
Apara is what I do and think: Para is the source from which Apara arose and gave me separate identity recognition.
Apara is the concept of I, you, they differentiation that I have to live with while Para is the loss of differentiation and merging of all identities into the single source.
Para creates and contains all Apara: Apara distances from Para or sometimes approaches towards Para but never realizes that.
If Water is Para, ocean, seas, rivers, rains, clouds, ponds, urine, etc are all parts of Apara.]
Discussions and Debates are manifestations and subject to transformation process. Transformation processes may include discussions and debates. The process of discussions and debates have different consequences for different individuals inheriting different mixes of the three Gunas. One does not decide to discuss and debate or participate in the discussions/ debates. It just happens.

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